td Cpl RALPH C. DALTON - B Co. (deceased)

"Battle of the Bulge"


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1. My Wartime Nicknames:

Hunting for something to eat


2. Some funny things I remember about the war:

While I was in Ireland, we made a twelve mile hike, got back for dinner, such as it was. I had boiled potatoes.


3. My memories of the way we lived in Europe:

It was never good. When it was over, I got on a plane for Japan. I was waiting to go when it was over.


4. My most vivid memories from World War II:

Battle of the Bulge


5. Something from the war that is difficult to talk about but, I'd like future Americans to know:

Coming home last year we stopped to eat a bite. The lady in the restaurant asked where we had been. We told her. She said, "I thought they were all dead". Ha.


6. In spite of the hardships of war I am proud to have served my country in World War II because:



An Article by Ted Hetzel Opinion-Tribune Assistant Editor

After nearly a half-century, Ralph Dalton of Randolph has finally been awarded the medals he earned while serving his country in the United States Army in World War II.


Dalton, a member of the 818 TD Battalion, received eight medals in the mail last month after writing to an Army Intelligence office in St. Louis.


Dalton served in the war from July, 1942 to October, 1945. When he returned to the United States in 1945 after fighting in five different battles (Normandy, France; Rhineland, Germany; Northern France; Ardennes-Alsace, France; and Central Europe), Dalton said there wasn't enough time to hand out medals to the troops.


"When we came home from overseas and got to Chicago," Dalton said, "they dumped us out and we went home."


Dalton said ribbons were awarded during combat, but it wasn't until three years ago that he realized he was also deserving of the medals. 


"I knew there were ribbons, but I didn't know there were any medals to go with it", Dalton said. "Three years ago, a guy in Waterloo told me how I could get those medals. He sent away and got his in St. Louis."


After writing three separate times, Dalton finally received what he was searching for in March, 1994.


Dalton found in an envelope addressed to him a Bronze Star for the Battle of the Bulge, a Silver Star for the Battle of Frankfurt (Germany), a Good Conduct Medal, a European African Middle East Campaign medal, a Commemorative of Herinnerings medal, an American Campaign medal, an Army of Occupation medal and a Citation from England.


" It felt good to get them," Dalton said. "I'd have given it up (writing for them) if they hadn't come."


Dalton said it took approximately nine months after he sent his first letter to get the medals. He said his file had to be found before anything could be handed out.


Dalton said he hopes to attend the Battalion's yearly meeting in Washington, D.C. in August. He has attended 33 of the last 35 meetings that have been held throughout the United States.

Read more wartime memories

My most vivid memories from World War II

cecil_wax T4 CECILLE E. WAX - Hdq Co.

"The bombed out towns. The large piles of bricks that were one time buildings. Lots of people with nothing to eat."



standing in center

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